The Lizard remembers a time when computers took up a whole room and were operated by strange geeky men in white coats. Now we can’t do without them. If the Lizard’s broadband connection goes down for five minutes then wailing and gnashing of teeth is heard throughout the land and if you listen carefully you can hear the Lizard’s wife telling him to put a sock in it.
All of which is a pre-cursor to this story, sent in by a Crisis Lounge regular. Thank you Richard.
A Canadian actress and playwright has been charged with holding a computer expert hostage after losing her internet connection.
Carol Sinclair lost her connection with ISP Aliant and, by her own account, spent days trying to fix it.
She said, “I was polite the first 20 times I talked to them. But each one gave me the same routine, 'Is the modem connected? Are the lights blipping?' And then they would tell me it must be a fault with my computer.”
Finally Sinclair said she resorted to impersonating a man's voice and got a repairman sent out the next day, a "huge, strapping young man", 21 year-old David Scott.
Sinclair said that when he couldn't fix the problem she asked him to stay until a second technician was sent.
However, local police disagree with the woman's version of the events.
"She told the technician, in a tirade, that he was not leaving until her internet was working and she told him she was keeping him hostage," said Constable Jeff Carr. "She implied that she had a gun, although he didn't see one."
The technician claimed he could fix the problem, but needed to retrieve a disc from his van. When he got to the van he jumped in and drove off.
Sinclair denies the charges, and says she was shocked at her arrest by five officers. "I'm a Buddhist," she said. I'm a wimp. I'm a pacifist."
She has been charged and banned from speaking to Aliant or any of its employees.